Or enter the email address used to purchase the SketchUp Pro license. Copy and paste the name or company name from the Welcome to SketchUp window into the appropriate box in the SketchUp Pro License Wizard.

It offers measurement tools, which enable designers to analyze the size and shape of designs created. If you filled out the form correctly, you receive an email message with your license information. DesignSpark Mechanical is a 3D CAD solution designed to help engineers and educational institutions use inbuilt 3D models to create and export technical drawings in STEP & IGES file formats. Check the email account that you used to purchase SketchUp Pro.Type the first name, last name, email address, and company name used to purchase your license.Paste the serial number in the Pro License Serial Number box.In the License area of the Welcome to SketchUp window that appears, copy the text in the Serial Number box.In SketchUp Pro, look up the serial number by selecting Help > License (Microsoft Windows) or SketchUp > License (Mac OS X).If you have downloaded, installed, and authorized a copy of SketchUp Pro, follow these steps to retrieve your license information: If you can’t find this message by searching your email messages or by looking in your email software’s spam or junk folder, you can retrieve your license information online. When your purchase a SketchUp Pro license, you receive an email from that contains your license details, which include a serial number and authorization code.

The information below will only apply to older versions of SketchUp, or SketchUp 2019 using a Classic License. When you sign into SketchUp it will automatically sync with our servers and authorize SketchUp for use. Note: If you've purchased a SketchUp Subscription, there is no license information to locate.